
Developer Guide

Get Started

Sign up at Signup for an account, verify your email and login. Navigate to your APIs page, and generate your API Keys.

Test API OR Check Balance

In order to ensure you have valid API Key, kindly follow the sample code below to make a request to check your balance

Send a json payload of the following parameter to the endpoint, https://uellosend.com/balance/

Parameter Required Data Type Description
api_key true String Developer API Key generated on your dashboard.
 // Sample Response
            "desc":"balance: 2.7200" 

Quicksend Endpoint

This endpoint is useful for sending one time passwords(OTP) or number verification, user notifications and sending message to a single recipient.

Collect the following data and send a json payload to the endpoint, https://uellosend.com/quicksend/

Parameter Required Data Type Description
api_key true String Developer API Key generated on your dashboard.
sender_id true String The name you want the recipient to see when the message is received eg. UviTech. It must not be more than 11 characters.
message true String The message for the recipient, it must not exceeed 800 characters.
recipient true String The mobile number of the intended receiver of the message. Accepted format is 0230000000 or +233230000000
 // Sample Response
                    "status": "ESME_ROK",
                    "recipient": "0501651480",
                    "message_id": "2180353930"

Campaign Endpoint

This endpoint is useful for sending message to multiple recipients and also scheduling messages.

Collect the following data and send a json payload to the endpoint, https://uellosend.com/campaign/

Parameter Required Data Type Description
api_key true String Developer API Key generated on your dashboard.
sender_id true String The name you want the recipient to see when the message is received eg. UviTech. It must not be more than 11 characters.
message true String The message for the recipient, it must not exceeed 800 characters.
recipient true Array It should be an array of strings of contact numbers eg ["0230000000","0260000000"] or ["+233230000000","+233260000000"], the number of contacts in the array must not exceed 350 contacts.
date false DateTime This parameter should be used if only you want to schedule your message. Accepted format is DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM AM/PM eg 30-11-2020 03:30 AM
 // Sample Response

                        "status": "ESME_ROK",
                        "recipient": "0543524033",
                        "message_id": "2180421813"
                        "status": "ESME_ROK",
                        "recipient": "0501651480",
                        "message_id": "2180422170"


Personalised SMS Endpoint

This endpoint is useful for sending message to multiple recipients and also scheduling messages to named contacts.

Collect the following data and send a json payload to the endpoint, https://uellosend.com/personalisedsms/

Parameter Required Data Type Description
api_key true String Developer API Key generated on your dashboard.
sender_id true String The name you want the recipient to see when the message is received eg. UviTech. It must not be more than 11 characters.
message true String The message for the recipient, it must contain the name placeholder that is {NAME} .
recipient true Array It should be an array of strings of contact numbers eg ["0230000000","0260000000"] or ["+233230000000","+233260000000"], the number of contacts in the array must not exceed 350 recipients.
names true Array It should be an array of strings eg ["Confidence","Antwi"], the number of names in the array must be equal to the number of recipients.
date false DateTime This parameter should be used if only you want to schedule your message. Accepted format is DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM AM/PM eg 30-11-2020 03:30 PM
 // Sample Response
                        "status": "ESME_ROK",
                        "recipient": "0543524033",
                        "message_id": "2180421813"
                        "status": "ESME_ROK",
                        "recipient": "0501651480",
                        "message_id": "2180422170"

Delivery Receipt Endpoint

This endpoint is useful for checking message delivery receipt from the network.

Collect the following data and send a json payload to the endpoint, https://uellosend.com/delivery/

Parameter Required Data Type Description
api_key true String Developer API Key generated on your dashboard.
message_id true String The message ID you received when you sent the message.
 // Sample Response

                    "msgID": 1049,
                    "userID": 35,
                    "msg": "It is strictly forbidden to use your UelloSend Account for any illegal purposes including but not limited to fraud, phishing or scamming.",
                    "msg_cost": "0.035",
                    "recipient": "0543524033",
                    "date_sent": "2022-11-09 15:57:02",
                    "subject": "DEV-TEAM",
                    "server_response": "ESME_ROK",
                    "message_uuid": "1234567890",
                    "delivery_status": "DELIVRD",
                    "error": null,
                    "api_key": "",
                    "api_SMS": "YES",
                    "mobile_SMS": "",
                    "web_SMS": "",
                    "date": "2022-11-09"

Response Status Codes

Response codes that you will get in json when requests are made.

Code Reason
200 Request Successful.
400 Bad request, a required parameter is missing or not provided
401 Unauthorised request, you provided an empty or null or invalid value for a paramter